Data presentation
An IT platform designed to build any analytical dashboards and integrating data from many different sources of information.

OncoDash was established as a platform to support the Pilot of the National Oncology Network, and its purpose was to monitor the pilot implementation indicators and current changes in patient traffic.
Today, it is used as a flexible tool for quickly building any analytical dashboards that integrate data from many different information sources, including HIS-class hospital systems.
OncoDash is a solution based on the REDASH platform recognized in the world of analytics, which allows you to create any reports, automate them and monitor changes in real time without delays directly on the source data.
It supports source data based on SQL, NoSQL, Big Data and any other sources based on API.
An extensive database of available data visualization methods significantly improves information-based decision-making processes.
As part of the pilot program of the National Oncology Network, the OncoDash platform monitors, inter alia, the following indicators:
- tumor stages for pilot patients
- number of patients included in the pilot (by place of residence, stage of advancement, inclusion unit, gender, age of the patient, degree of reference of the patient inclusion center, etc.)
- presents, among others oncological quality measures introduced by the Pilot Regulation.
OncoDash was established as a platform to support the Pilot of the National Oncology Network, and its purpose was to monitor the pilot implementation indicators and current changes in patient traffic.
Today, it is used as a flexible tool for quickly building any analytical dashboards that integrate data from many different information sources, including HIS-class hospital systems.
OncoDash is a solution based on the REDASH platform recognized in the world of analytics, which allows you to create any reports, automate them and monitor changes in real time without delays directly on the source data.
It supports source data based on SQL, NoSQL, Big Data and any other sources based on API.
An extensive database of available data visualization methods significantly improves information-based decision-making processes.
As part of the pilot program of the National Oncology Network, the OncoDash platform monitors, inter alia, the following indicators:
- tumor stages for pilot patients
- number of patients included in the pilot (by place of residence, stage of advancement, inclusion unit, gender, age of the patient, degree of reference of the patient inclusion center, etc.)
- presents, among others oncological quality measures introduced by the Pilot Regulation.
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