Case Study
Pilot of the National Oncological Network
The project started in February 2019 in the Dolnośląskie and Świętokrzyskie voivodships, and then expanded by another two voivodeships: Pomorskie and Podlaskie.
Preparation for the pilot project required remodeling of internal processes, including those relating to the method of data collection.
The number and scope of changes that were necessary to obtain reliable and repeatable analysis results was much greater than initially assumed. It is important not only to have patients’ medical records, but most of all to have structured data. Such documentation can be a solid basis for building further conclusions.
In order to implement the above assumptions, we have prepared a complete concept for the implementation of a data warehouse, enabling the collection of standardized medical documentation of patients in a pilot project, along with additional tools enabling cooperating centers to conveniently report information on patients included in the pilot project, along with an extension monitoring the completeness of the entered data.
Information is collected in a structured manner, broken down into numerical values and descriptions. Thanks to this, the obtained information has a high analytical value and is perfect for further processing.
As part of the network, a solution has been implemented that covers the key elements of the collection, monitoring and presentation of cancer diagnostics quality measures in Poland:
1. MedStream Designer platform that collects data for the calculation of quality measures
2. OncoReports platform enabling reporting of information for cooperating centers
3. OncoIndi tool presenting data for pilot measures along with their change over time
4. OncoDash platform presenting real-time progress indicators in the implementation of the pilot project.
Preparation for the pilot project required remodeling of internal processes, including those relating to the method of data collection.
The number and scope of changes that were necessary to obtain reliable and repeatable analysis results was much greater than initially assumed. It is important not only to have patients’ medical records, but most of all to have structured data. Such documentation can be a solid basis for building further conclusions.
In order to implement the above assumptions, we have prepared a complete concept for the implementation of a data warehouse, enabling the collection of standardized medical documentation of patients in a pilot project, along with additional tools enabling cooperating centers to conveniently report information on patients included in the pilot project, along with an extension monitoring the completeness of the entered data.
Information is collected in a structured manner, broken down into numerical values and descriptions. Thanks to this, the obtained information has a high analytical value and is perfect for further processing.
As part of the network, a solution has been implemented that covers the key elements of the collection, monitoring and presentation of cancer diagnostics quality measures in Poland:
1. MedStream Designer platform that collects data for the calculation of quality measures
2. OncoReports platform enabling reporting of information for cooperating centers
3. OncoIndi tool presenting data for pilot measures along with their change over time
4. OncoDash platform presenting real-time progress indicators in the implementation of the pilot project.
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