

Case study The Epistop project has transformed the prevention of epilepsy in newborns. See how we supported it with our scientific approach and clinical data science expertise. The commitment of analysts from Transition Technologies Science to the project is extremely...
Pilotage of National Cancer Network

Pilotage of National Cancer Network

Case Study Pilot of the National Oncological Network The project started in February 2019 in the Dolnośląskie and Świętokrzyskie voivodships, and then expanded by another two voivodeships: Pomorskie and Podlaskie. Preparation for the pilot project required remodeling...
Epistop preventive treatment of epilepsy

Epistop preventive treatment of epilepsy

Case Study Epistop – preventive epilepsy treatment The EPISTOP project is a large international medical project coordinated by the Children’s Memorial Health Institute (IPCZD). Apart from IPCZD, 10 clinical centers from Europe and Australia and 5 research...
Artificial intelligence supporting telediagnostics

Artificial intelligence supporting telediagnostics

Case Study Artificial intelligence supporting telediagnostics In 2021, HigoSense created the Higo solution – a telemedicine system for remote pediatric diagnostics based on a multisensory device. Diagnostics is carried out by examination carried out by the...
MedStream Designer implementation at NIO Warsaw

MedStream Designer implementation at NIO Warsaw

Case Study MedStream Designerimplementation at NIO in Warsaw The MedStream Designer platform was implemented in 2016 at the National Institute of Oncology as part of the ONKO.SYS project. The aim of the entire ONKO.SYS project was to implement IT tools that will...